Tribute Wall
Cremation has taken place
A private family interment will be held at a later date

Pauline Linton posted a condolence
Sunday, July 30, 2023
The Aunt Marg I remember was a kind and gentle gal who loved her family and a good visit! She was warm and she did appreciate a good laugh….Enjoy your well deserved rest, Aunt Marg, and hugs to the Carter/Linton clan. ❤️
Frances Latham posted a condolence
Friday, July 28, 2023
Gracious, elegant, and kind are my memories of her. And what a loving tribute from her family through the obituary.
Thinking of you.
Frances Latham
Richard Kennedy posted a condolence
Thursday, July 27, 2023
Thoughts and prayers are with the Cater family at this sad time.
Lois McIntosh posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Dear Kathy,John and the Carter Family ,Our sincere condolences on the passing of your beloved Mother.
Ross and Lois McIntosh
Patricia Healy posted a condolence
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
Heaven has gained an Angel!!
My thoughts and prayers are with the Carter Family at
this difficult time..
Patricia Healy
Lesley Maciver posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Marg was a beacon of light to all who knew her.
An amazing role model, and gentle spirit who knew how to make people feel special, and just what to say.. I know the effect she had on her family. Kindness, empathy, and generosity. She will be missed and fondly remembered by many.. My sincere condolences to the family. I will treasure the memories that I have, that involved this beautiful lady.
Kelly Wiffen posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
My condolences to all of the Carter Family. Marg was a great lady and great neighbor she will be missed on Elizabeth Street. I worked with Marg at Waghorn, Stephens until she retired, always well respected at work. She will be missed.
Julie McCarthy posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Our deepest condolences to the entire family. We are thinking of you all during this difficult time.
Connie and David posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Deepest condolences to all the family, such a wonderful person , she will be missed. She lives on through her wonderful family. Take care
Paul Bedford posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
So sad to see Marg go. She taught us all so much: how to grow flowers, the proper way to take windows apart to clean them, how to bake a pie. She was a kind woman who never said a bad word about anyone. A true role model. A woman who put family first, and never complained. Marg had an inate curiousity that was insatiable. Expect to have many questions asked when you visited her. And the visits were something to look forward to. The conversations were lively and the topics wide ranging. Jane, Linda, Bud and Kathy, her four children, benefited in many ways from her wisdom and continue the Carter tradition of loving respect for others. My prayers are for the family and friends of Marg. She is a Mother and Friend that will never be forgotten.
Lorne & Nancy Eedy posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Through the work shop ‘out back’ and of course growing up with ‘Carter’ kids ahead or just behind my school years,
there was lots of contact with Marg. Her #1 quality was being an interested and sincere listener
in your life. It was not about her, but the visitor. Her #2 quality was her beautiful smile
as she followed your story line.
Lorne & Nancy Eedy
Cathy Forster posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Kathy,Bud,Linda,Jane and all your Families My sincere condolences. Mom was a wonderful lady.
Thinking of you. Cathy
Nelda Mossip-Oliver posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Sincere sympathy to all the family and friends of Marg who was an amazing woman with her knowledge and memory . The Linton family were long time friends of my sister Verna and George Stewart. Marg will be missed. Nelda
Julie Docker Johnson posted a condolence
Tuesday, July 25, 2023
Kathy, my thoughts and prayers are with all of you. I loved your Mom and Dad. They were some of the people in the very beginning that made me feel part of this community! I remember the first time they came to Westover to have a burger and a pitcher of beer on the patio one evening. I don't think we had a proper pitcher to put the beer in! They were the first "locals" to do that. They would come and chat, your Dad would tell me stories, they wanted us to succeed. They continued to be support me at The Flower Shop. It wasn't Christmas until your Mom came in with the special black bowl to make her Christmas arrangement in (I was terrified we would break that bowl). I will always be so grateful for the support and kindness of your parents. I bet they are so happy to be back together, sharing a beer and a story. I am thinking of you all with love. xoxox Julie
Linda Mills posted a condolence
Monday, July 24, 2023
Sending my sincerest sympathy to Marg’s family. Elizabeth St was her home for a long time and has become my home recently . We shared a couple of nice chats across the yard and she would always smile and wave. I was in awe to see her raking leaves when I first moved in …she was 93!! Truly a life well lived. Hold your memories close. Linda Mills
Phyllis Spearin posted a condolence
Monday, July 24, 2023
Kathy my sympathy to you and your family.
Gayle Ballard posted a condolence
Monday, July 24, 2023
Kathy, sympathies to you and your family. I never knew your mother but I have heard so many wonderful stories about her. She was a special lady. I know you have many happy memories of time spent together. ❤️
Gayle Ballard
Janet Patterson posted a condolence
Monday, July 24, 2023
Dear Kathy & Family
So sorry to hear about your mother, Kathy. She will be so missed , I have very fond memories of her when I was young. Thinking of all of you at this difficult time .
Sincere Sympathy,
Janet &Keith Patterson
The family of Margaret Mary Carter uploaded a photo
Monday, July 24, 2023

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Andrew L. Hodges Funeral Home Ltd.
47 Wellington Street South, PO Box 304
St. Marys, Ontario
N4X 1B2
Phone: 1 (519) 284-2820
Text: (519) 520-0478
Fax: 1 (855) 719-1796
Email: andrew@hodgesfuneralhome.ca
The Andrew L. Hodges Funeral Home is a Class 1 funeral home
License by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario
License # 411