Tribute Wall
Open House
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Community Hall
St. Marys Pyramid Recreation Centre, 317 James St. S.
St. Marys, Ontario, Canada

Nancy Vermond posted a condolence
Monday, November 6, 2023
Sheila was one of the most generous and caring people I have known…always doing for others. Some of my favourite memories include our shared love of storytelling, esp. in a small group telling our own family stories, and also the five minute rides in her car from Foodland to my house on those days we happened to meet at the grocery and she would offer me a ride home. I feel so blessed by having Sheila as a friend, and I truly miss her. Sheila will live in my heart and inspire me to be a better, more loving person.
vincent greason posted a condolence
Saturday, October 21, 2023
Till the very last moment i was hoping to be with you on Saturday, October 21 for the celebration of life. However the distance is just too great.
It was with great sadness, Bill, Ashleigh and Tamera that i learned (via Switzerland!) of Sheila's passing. An amazing person - for her close family, for her friends and colleagues and for her more distant family. For the past twenty years, since the death of my parents (Howard and Claire-Marie) Sheila would (hand)write a short New Year's note, keeping me abreast of family news, St. Marys news, little anecdotes... Occasionally we would talk on the phone - as i know she did with my sister. A great loss.
My best to you all under the circumstances. It is a celebration of Sheila's like that is merited. A life well lived. For a person who was well loved.
vincent greason
Lac-des-Loups, QC
Son of Howard, 1st cousin of Sheila and Bill.
Greg and Jayne Tinney posted a condolence
Thursday, October 19, 2023
Our condolences to Sheila’s family and to all who knew her. Sheila touched many lives with her kind, giving, selfless way. Doing more than many of us could imagine and we likely only knew the half of it. She will be missed.
Susan (Keating) Milankov posted a condolence
Saturday, October 14, 2023
Miss Greason was my grade 4 teacher at Leesboro. She was a teacher whose kindness shines in one's memory 50 years later. My condolences to her family and friends, she was special.
Marg Murray uploaded photo(s)
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Sheila was faithful member of Oxford Presbytery. This picture was taken in November 2018, at our last Presbytery meeting. Sheila is shown with Sandra Stock (Hebron UC), Vivian McDonald (Kintore UC), and Noretta Henderson (Kintore UC).
Glenna Day Hicks posted a condolence
Monday, October 2, 2023
Sheila was truly an amazing women. Such a pleasure to have know her. Always so grateful. She would send the most beautiful thank you cards. She will be missed.
With sympathy Glenna
Lorna Gardner posted a condolence
Monday, October 2, 2023
God Bless
Sheila will be missed.
Hebron United Church Women
Pat Durnford posted a condolence
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Family of Sheila Greason
My family was so lucky to have had Sheila as their teacher at Plover Mills so many years ago. Both Becky and Chris Durnford talk about her all these years later as their favourite teacher. Her caring ways and generous nature were outstanding. Becky has been a teacher for over nineteen years and many of her attributes in the classroom I am sure came from Sheila. What a wonderful memory she has let both for her former students and her community
Pat Durnford
Carla DosSantos posted a condolence
Friday, September 29, 2023
Sheila's warmth and kindness touched the lives of everyone she encountered. Her friendly nature brought joy to the world. May her gentle spirit continue to inspire us.
Mabel Ballantyne posted a condolence
Friday, September 29, 2023
My sincere condolences to Sheila's family. Sheila was a very highly respected true friend to so many people. Always so kind and helpful to everyone. Her cherished memories will never be forgotten.
Dave Baxter posted a condolence
Friday, September 29, 2023
My condolences t0 the family Miss Greason was my favourite teacher at Leesboro She was passionate about her job and the education of her students Being a year or two younger than all my classmates she had time to make me feel like I belonged Graduating at 12 years old her care got me through some difficult times
Nancy and Ron Marriott posted a condolence
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Our sincere condolences to Sheila's family. It is impossible to put into words all of Sheila's wonderful attributes. I have known Sheila all my life and will treasure the memories.
Nancy and Ron Marriott
Henry Reinders uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, September 27, 2023

I came to know Sheila for her involvement with the Tri County Foodgrains growing project. Using an acre of her own land, she organized volunteers from several area churches to grow onions, potatoes and squash and then spent time selling them at the farmers market. I visited once at the market on a cold, wet October day. She was there with her crew, cheerful as ever, glad to be doing good for someone else. That epitomizes Sheila - always happy to see you, always cheerful, always thinking of others. She was a remarkable lady and will be missed by her friends, family and community and by us at Canadian Foodgrains Bank.
Maurice and Ruth Francis posted a condolence
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
We remember that Sheila loved working with children and youth whether through her service as a dedicated Primary School teacher or as a long time member of Camps Bimini and Tanner. Sheila contributed her talents to welcoming first time campers or mentoring campers who grew up to become committed Staff members for the camps she worked with for so many years. Sheila will always be remembered for her working faith in a loving and caring God. Now she is at rest and peace free from ever again having to use that handy cane.
Noreen Switzer posted a condolence
Monday, September 25, 2023
Shiela was one Special Lady!
She would do anything for anybody without even thinking!
I am sure that she has a Special Place in Heaven!
Rest In Peace Sheila! We will Miss You!
Bernice Marsland posted a condolence
Monday, September 25, 2023
Sheila was a very special lady whom I met through W.I. Her leadership skills were top notch. She was both a thoughtful leader and a listener at the same time. She skillfully left all contributors to any discussions feeling validated for what they said. I will always remember that as well as her happy and welcoming nature. She will be missed by all .
Dianne Sorensen & Larry Deline posted a condolence
Monday, September 25, 2023
Sheila was a special person. Anyone that was fortunate to know her was blessed.
We will miss you Sheila.
Mari Veliz posted a condolence
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Stephanie Hutton and I taught Sunday School at East Nissouri Union Church with Sheila over the past 10 to 15 years. She was an example on how to live a life of service. She never got side-tracked by her own needs. Whether she was organizing “get well” cards to little boys that broke their fingers at recess, driving people to their different appointments because they had no vehicles to get there themselves, or taking people out to lunch or ice cream, Sheila did it all with a smile. I wonder if it is possible to know about all those lives that she influenced or assisted. I was with Sheila a couple of times over the past few weeks encouraging to get help for herself. I wish now that I had saved my breath and told her that I loved her and that I appreciated all that she has done for all of us. One of my most lasting memories of Sheila will be her closing prayer every Sunday with the children: “Dear Lord, help me to remember with every passing day that people will see Jesus in the things we do and say.” Mari Veliz
Michael Greason posted a condolence
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Sheila was such a special person who had time to help anybody and everybody. Her unfailing good humour was always a positive contribution. I was lucky enough to be part of Sheila's family as well, so we had special times over the years.
Sheila's love of cats is another thing that I share with her. Sheila didn't just care for humans, she loved and provided for many cats. As is always the case when two cat lovers get together, we shared our joy over our feline families as well.
I'll miss you Sheila. Rest in Peace.
Paul Jackson posted a condolence
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Sorry to say that I was frustrated lately with Sheila as I wanted her to relax and pamper herself just a little bit in her final days. Even trying to call me instead of an ambulance was frustrating but also heart warming at the same time. She died the way she wanted, fighting the good fight until the very end. I will miss her. Paul Jackson
Dorothy Greason posted a condolence
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Sheila devoted her whole life to helping other people. She was the absolute epitome of a good Samaritan. I shall miss her Sunday evening phone calls. Rest in Peace Sheila.
Linda mcCorquodale posted a condolence
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Sheila was a great lady
Always smiling and happy
Great Community person she will be missed by everyone
Allan Slater posted a condolence
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Sheila was community builder and connector between people. In her death so many people are offering condolences. Many of them are from people that we have completely lost touch with. Dave Anderson made some comments about Sheila that ring so true for me. The store in Uniondale is long gone but through Sheila I read a few words from a man who grew up there. Thank you Sheila for inspiring all of us to be more accepting and loving people.
Rena Wilson posted a condolence
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Sheila was a kind and generous woman who gave freely of herself and her time. She was a wonderful and fun member of the McConnell Club and she will be remembered with fondness and for her friendship.
Princess Elizabeth WI posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
Sheila was an amazing lady. Her energy, patience, kindness, compassion, and her constant smile will be missed by countless people in her community of organizations and friends. When something needed doing either she did it or encouraged someone to do it. It was difficult to say "no" to Sheila and not many did. She made you believe in yourself. A true lady who will be missed.
Dave Anderson posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
I was very fortunate to be a student in grades 7 and 8 of Sheila's first teaching position at SS#4 East Nissouri school. She was without question the best teacher I had during my school education. On my graduation from public school I received a personal note of encouragement from her as I entered the next phase of my life. I still have that note from a teacher that cared that much for her students. Over the years I would see her serving lunches at the church and she would always speak kind words to me and show an interest in my life and that of my family.
When Sheila retired we lost a compassionate and caring teacher, a truly great educator. Think of the classrooms of students over the decades that Shelia has educated. Now the community has lost a dedicated volunteer, a leader in community organizations, and a supporter of children and adults through the church and Sunday School. RIP Sheila and may you be recognized for your lifetime of commitment.
Bruce Andrews posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
Our deepest sympathies to all her family and friends. She was a local saint for her community involvement and volunteer activities. Sheila and Bruce
Joan Nichol (Vanderpol) posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
Sheila was a wonderful lady - always so nice and pleasant. She was our leader for the Union Church youth group in Uniondale 40 years ago. We had a lot of wholesome fun back then. The world would be a better place if there was more people like Sheila Greason. Rest In Peace Sheila.
Dorothy Lamond posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
I am sorry to hear this. I use to buy Sheila’s high school books from her. I was planning on doing a drop in this summer but it went by so fast. She was a beautiful person inside and out. I was blessed to have known her.
Take Care and be safe.
John Gray posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
So very sad to hear of Sheila's passing.
Such a warm and thoughtful person.
You will be missed by many.
Joel Lundy posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
I didn't know Sheila well. She was a teacher at Plover Mills School where my daughters attended. But whenever I saw her and the few times we met I was impressed with her warm, caring and outgoing spirit. I know how she gave of her time to others unselfishly even as she got older. Whenever she crossed my mind her example inspired me. Now that she's passed on to her reward and her Saviour she will remain in my mind as an icon of someone who lived wholeheartedly and beautifully for her Lord. Thank you, Sheila!
Joel Lundy
Tory Ann Reibling posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
Dear Family:
I always remember Sheila smiling and positive about life.
I had many occasions of seeing her at camp over the years, both with my daughters and as a kitchen helper.
I visited Camp Tanner this year, but didn’t see her. My memories of her are precious and I will truly miss her.
Know that she was an angel here on earth and will continue to be an angel in heaven.
My most sincere sympathy!
Tory Ann Reibling and daughters Karla,Janelle and Leah.
Nelda Mossip-Oliver posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
Deepest sympathy to the complete family circle of my dear kind and loving friend of Sheila. Sheila had a wonderful outlook on life, never complaining, always found the best in people with encouragement to all she met. A true Christian to further the kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Most sincerely Nelda Mossip-Oliver.
Bethany (Beth) Valerie Riddell posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
My heartfelt sympathy goes out to friends and family of Sheila Greason. I have known Sheila for over 40 years and spent countless times with her. Her positive outlook, kindness , love has touched my life and others. Her genuine Christian spirit will live on in the community of St. Marys To same simply a person of pure gold and never ending faith. God Bless Sheila! Bethany Valerie Riddell
Brian and Bonnie Walsh posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
Sorry to hear of Sheila’s passing.Truly a kind,good human being.Taught all three of our children at Plover Mills and I have known her all of my life.Condolences to all of her family.She will be missed.
Monika Herten posted a condolence
Friday, September 22, 2023
The heavens are rejoicing!
Sheila will be greatly missed by many people.
She was kind, compassionate, giving, lovely, just an example for all of us.
Rest in peace Sheila!
Thank you for the joy you were here on earth.
My deepest condolences to her family!
Lauren Eedy posted a condolence
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Sheila was such a kind soul. I will miss her weekly emails to the church simply thanking me for sending her bulletins and announcements. A little bit of kindness goes a long way- and she was always thoughtful and kind. My sincere condolences to her loved ones.
Nikki Taylor posted a condolence
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Sheila, thank you for your gentle spirit, your kindness and your endless encouragement. I so enjoyed getting to know you through the Foodgrains group and several bible studies. You are truly an inspiration. We should all aspire to lead a life and leave a legacy like yours.
Nikki Taylor
Jacquie McLeod posted a condolence
Thursday, September 21, 2023
I got to know Sheila aka "Bubbles" while working at Camp Bimini as "Shady" camp nurse. I really loved shaded spots to keep cool in. Sheila knew just where to find me when a "rash" of stinging nettles occurred! She was a warm hearted, generous, community minded working Christian with a heart of gold. Rest well, Bubbles... enjoy your heavenly Vespers, day is done faithful servant.
Kevin & Angie Currah posted a condolence
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Sheila, you will be missed in so many ways. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the families involved.
Linda Harris posted a condolence
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Sheila was such a vital part of our St. Marys Community. Her intelligence, wit, compassion, unceasing helpful nature and leadership was an inspiration to folks of all ages. Wishing her friends and family members loving memories of time spent with Sheila that will be a comfort in this difficult time.
Sharon and Paul Ward posted a condolence
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Shelia has been a good friend since we attended High School together. She also
taught our three son's in school. We also enjoyed playing euchre at Brown's with her. My husband and I will
miss her ~ she was one of the most caring and giving woman we ever knew. God Bless.
Marg Murray posted a condolence
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Sheila seemed like the original energizer bunny. Known for her commitment to youth and children particularly at Camp Tanner, she treated everyone with grace and genuine love. Our lives are richer for having known and been known by Sheila. Rev. Marg Murray and Dave Schell.
Julie Docker Johnson posted a condolence
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Sheila you will be so missed! You have inspired me for years. I have never seen one person do more for so many without any pomp or circumstance just with a kind heart. You were an angel on earth and heaven has just become even more heavenly with you there. Thank you for all of the lessons you taught while you lived your life. All my love, Julie
The family of Sheila Norma Greason uploaded a photo
Thursday, September 21, 2023

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Andrew L. Hodges Funeral Home Ltd.
47 Wellington Street South, PO Box 304
St. Marys, Ontario
N4X 1B2
Phone: 1 (519) 284-2820
Text: (519) 520-0478
Fax: 1 (855) 719-1796
Email: andrew@hodgesfuneralhome.ca
The Andrew L. Hodges Funeral Home is a Class 1 funeral home
License by the Bereavement Authority of Ontario
License # 411